Kindness is Free - launch event for #Offsite9

Kanj Nicholas and Sue Brisco are now exhibiting their two separate but interconnected bodies of work at Newhampton Arts Centre. Their project examines the theme of kindness through visual artworks, workshops and poetry and they invited people to join their launch and see the results.

The exhibition includes the postcards that were made during workshops led by Kanj and Sue as well as stories and portraits by Kanj and new works that examine the science of kindness by Sue.

The exhibition launch, which was opened by City of Wolverhampton Mayor Cllr Greg Brackenridge, was attended by many of the subjects of the acrylic paintings Kanj produced that she says “communicate the message of kindness as the heartbeat of our community. These colourful, uplifting artworks narrate stories of kindness within our city.” They are accompanied with kindness quotes and a display of Postcards of Kindness threaded throughout the exhibition.

You can visit the exhibition at Newhampton Arts Centre until 20th March.
Open daily from 11am-3pm

Images by Dee Patel + videos by Cedar Media.