Volunteering Futures - at Wightwick Manor, Wolverhampton.

It’s been a great day at Wightwick Manor, meeting a lovely group of deaf and hard of hearing people to get their advice on how volunteering opportunities there can be made accessible to them, and what else can be done to support deaf and hard of hearing visitors.

We were met by Arun and two of his volunteer team, Audrey and Derek. Here most of us are, just waiting for a couple of late comers, ready to begin the tour.

Once inside the house we made our way to the Drawing Room …

… then on to the Great Parlour …

Next it was the Billiard Room and the Day Nursery …

… before a sit down for teas, coffees and some excellent National Trust treats, (the gluten free brownies were heavenly!)

We got some great feedback from everyone today, and best of all there’s a real buzz about working together on this project. We’re already talking about the next ‘Come and See’ day, getting even more deaf and hard of hearing people involved to share their insights. If we can make this happen at Wightwick Manor, then the learning and ideas can be spread far and wide from there.

A HUGE thank-you to all the wonderful volunteers who gave up their time today to get things started, to the fantastic team of interpreters, to Zebra Access for their support in getting the message out and getting people on board, and to Arun and his team at Wightwick Manor for making us so welcome and wanting to make this work.

If you’re interested in being involved in this project please email fiona@creativeblackcountry.co.uk.