Bostin News - Giant and the Georges

Giant and the Georges are a dynamic four-piece alternative indie-rock band based in the Black Country who specialise in composing peculiar, yet annoyingly catchy tunes.

Giant and the Georges is formed of two brothers (the Georges) and a relatively tall man (the Giant). Originally an acoustic trio, the band met their fourth member and thus, discovered electricity! By combining their eclectic range of influences, Giant and the Georges have created an electrifying fusion that is guaranteed to captivate any audience member (terms and conditions apply). 

Luke Best (vocals, bass, guitar), Ben George (vocals, lead guitar), Sam George (vocals, guitar, bass) and Kristian Hohn - The K-Man (drums), were commissioned by Creative Black Country's Guest Editor, Louise Bloomfield from Bloom Creative Wellbeing CIC, to write and perform a new track during the coronavirus lockdown. 

"Come on Home" was written by Ben George right at the beginning of lockdown when full restrictions were just about to be set in place. Ben's brother, Sam, performed and recorded the intimate track from his shark-themed lockdown bedroom as his voice was best able to faithfully evoke the bitter-sweet sentiment of the lyrics. 

This is an autobiographical song reflecting on Ben's fiancée, Harriet, being pregnant in these unprecedented times, bringing joy, uncertainty and anxiety. The song deals with themes of isolation, separation, longing and love. It explores the band's response to being separated from their families (and each other!), seeing their relatives one last time before the whole country entered lockdown, and hoping to be reunited with them when the country recovers. 

Giant and the Georges were due to go on tour throughout 2020 with dates in London, Birmingham and Liverpool (amongst others) when the pandemic hit. The live music scene has been devastated by this crisis and the future is unclear. But, like every other artist, the band cannot wait to get back on the road and are finding creative ways to make new music, rehearse, and plan during this time. 

“One thing that has struck me during this pandemic.” says Ben, “is the camaraderie on the music scene: although it's been devastated by the crisis bands, venues, promoters, radio stations and studios are supporting each other now more than ever. 

Hats off to anyone who has taken the time to share links on social media or just like a post - small gestures like this really do amount to great things! It's quite a cliché but it's true to say almost all of your favourite bands started out small, so continue to support your local scene.”

Giant and the Georges will be launching their debut EP at The Sunflower Lounge in Birmingham on Good Friday 2021 - roughly a year after initially planned. Until then you can find their music and videos on all digital platforms (Spotify, iTunes, YouTube) and social media. 

Keep your eyes peeled for more content online as the guys are always songwriting and frequently upload stripped back acoustic versions of their tunes.

This song was commissioned by content editor Louise Bloomfield.