Invitation to join the Youth Lab Wolves event and have your say

Young people in Wolverhampton are being invited to a music and creative workshop session next Tuesday, 7th September from 5pm at Newhampton Arts Centre to encourage them have a say on the future of their city.

Youth Lab Wolves is an initiative by Creative Black Country, University of Wolverhampton and the City Council that is part of a Europe-wide programme called Actors of Urban Change which promotes sustainable urban development and offers young people of the city a say in future changes particularly through arts and culture.

A series of online Zoom events took place during the lockdown of 2020 and now, with the help four young Kickstarters at the city’s Curiosity Productions organisation, the project team have been reaching out to young people at events across the city.

There have been a number of key themes that young people have identified during the sessions that include: environmental issues, alongside plastic waste and litter; the city’s retail offer, and shopping for young people; events that are aimed at young people; and the look and feel of the built environment including safety.

The event on Tuesday, which will be hosted by youth mentor and recording artist Kupid Val-Essone, will bring together some of the findings that are to become a starting point for advocating change that young people would like to prototype in the future.

A panel will discuss some of the aspirations and issues raised and give young people an opportunity to input alongside live music from Kupid and guest musicians and creative workshops lead by Andre Reid.

“We’d love to see young people take up this opportunity to have their voices heard and tell us what they would like to see in Wolverhampton. This is the start of a big conversation and we really want to reach as many people as we can”. Said Jenny Smith of Curiosity Productions who is leading the team of four Kickstarters who currently working at the creative events company to help engage young people with the Youth Labs project.

The government’s Kickstart Scheme provides funding to create new jobs for 16-24 years olds on Universal Credit who are at risk of long term unemployment and Youth Labs has offered them the opportunity to get involved in marketing and PR, social media, event and project management and a range of other skills that are required to engage and inspire young people.

Anyone that would like to go along to the event which starts at 5pm is welcome and free food and drink will be provided.