Culture Volunteers - Open Day at Wolverhampton's Grand Theatre.

The first Open Day for would be volunteers at Wolverhampton’s Grand Theatre got off to a cracking start. The queue snaked out the door whilst people who had booked tickets, signed in.

It wasn’t long before people were taking time to get to know each other …

… or getting more details about the volunteering opportunities from the theatre’s Shannon and Katie .

Then it was time to have a look around the auditorium…

… where Shannon shared a little bit of inside information that got everyone looking upwards …

… to the beautiful chandelier. But what’s it’s secret?

Finally, there was still time to pick up an application form and fill it in if you hadn’t done that already ….

… or you could just enjoy a chat and make new friends.

Thank you to the Grand Theatre team for all your hard work launching the new volunteer offer, and for making everyone feel so welcome.


The Culture Volunteer WM project was funded by Arts Council England and the DCMS. The project took place in the Black Country, Stoke and Birmingham. Culture Central led the project, with CBC responsible for delivery in the Black Country region

During the Culture Volunteer WM project, we were lucky to be able to work with the team at Wolverhampton’s Grand Theatre. There hadn’t been any volunteers at the theatre for roughly ten years, so it was big step to take for them to get them back on board. 71 people came to the recruitment days and there’s now a lovely team of 30 volunteers. The following film tells a little of that story …

Video created by Matthew Robinson - Ergo Films