Bostin News: Meet Content Editor Louise Bloomfield

Louise Bloomfield portrait by Amy Holland

Louise Bloomfield portrait by Amy Holland

BOSTIN NEWS: Meet Content Editor Louise Bloomfield

Tell us what you do...
I wear lots of hats - and I enjoy the diversity of my working week! No two weeks are ever the same. I'm a Creative Psychotherapist (Dramatherapist) and my regular job is at a hospice, where I specialise in loss and bereavement, and working with children and young people. I use creativity and play in my work to help people express and explore their experience - often words aren't enough to express the big feelings associated with grief so we might use stories, objects, art-making, movement and all sorts of creative things to help, alongside or instead of words.  

I am also Founder and Director of Bloom Creative Wellbeing CIC, a not-for-profit social enterprise, based in the Black Country, dedicated to supporting people and communities to grow and bloom through creativity and the arts. I am also a Creative Partner at CoLab Dudley, and am currently working on bringing theatre and performance to the High Street as a way of connecting people and cultivating kindness and creativity. 

Why did you want to be a Bostin News Content Editor?
I think Bostin News is a brilliant idea - a wonderful way of showcasing creativity across the Black Country, and by using local Content Editors I knew the work commissioned would uncover and promote local gems! I wanted to be a part of sharing the amazing work that's going on around us that we might not know about. 

How and why did you choose the people you commissioned?
The opportunity came in May whilst we were in a national lockdown. Creativity has a massive role to play in our wellbeing. Music, movies, live-streamed gigs and theatre, comedy, crafting, making, baking and boxsets kept the nation occupied, well and inspired during lockdown. It was important to me to celebrate creativity and innovation during lockdown - it was happening in abundance - so I commissioned local music makers who were adapting and innovating in these challenging times. It was also important to me to share local musicians' work as we couldn't get out to gigs to support them. The creative industries have been decimated by the pandemic - but Black Country bands are still making music and we need to hear it! I also wanted to give space to some gentle creative activities that have been happening during the pandemic, and how that has helped people's wellbeing; Rosie's beautiful photography and reflections through the Rainbow Challenge seemed perfect. 

Was there anything surprising about the work / commissions you received back? If so can you tell us about them? 
I was excited and surprised about how much was happening - it was difficult to choose who to commission as so much amazing work was happening all over the Black Country, and continues to. 

Can you tell us a bit about the motivations for your own pieces?
I'm completely passionate about creativity and wellbeing. This global pandemic we're in is really challenging. We're all carrying on as best we can, under some sort of guise of normality, but actually, everything is very weird and very changeable. That constant change and uncertainty is what makes right now sometimes feel so challenging. I thought it was a good opportunity to share some writing around looking after ourselves and self-care, and to mark that things are tough right now, but there are ways we can look after ourselves.  

Writing a story for these times seemed an obvious choice for me as I use stories so much in all my work. We're living in scary times, particularly if you're a little person. I know through my therapy practice, how helpful stories can be for children to help them understand their world, and how they feel. I thought I'd write a story about change, loss and uncertainty that might be helpful for little (and big!) people during these times, which drew on my clinical experience of working therapeutically with loss, and also allowed me to be really creative!  

Where can we find out more about you and your work?
Facebook: @bloomcreativewellbeing
Instagram: @bloomcreativewellbeing
Twitter: @BloomCIC @Louise_BloomCIC 

You can read Louise’s commissioned pieces here - *please note this page will change as more pieces go live.