The Walsall Water Argonaut launches this month

Artist Jason Wilsher-Mills pictured with one of his large scale inflatable sculptures - image courtesy of the artist

A giant sculpture is about to set afloat on two of Walsall’s most recognisable waterways this month.

Artist Jason Wilsher-Mills has been commissioned to produce the ‘Walsall Water Argonaut,’ an inflatable 6.5m tall sculpture, that has been co-designed with local disabled people, and will be floating on Walsall’s Arboretum Lake and The Wharf Canal Basin.

Supported by Arts Council England and in collaboration with Walsall Council Healthy Spaces, Creative Black Country, The Canal & River Trust, The New Art Gallery Walsall and Birmingham Festival 2022 this is the artist’s first water-based sculpture and has proved to be a fun challenge for Jason whose huge inflatables are usually found on land. 

“It has been a challenge, but one which I have relished.” Comments Jason on his latest design.

“We’ve placed the sculpture inside a life buoy, which is adorned with some of the artwork that was created by disabled groups, both in the region and beyond”.

To design the piece Jason, who has a disability himself, worked with over 60 other disabled individuals from the area. 

“When I work with groups I ask them to identify things that they really enjoy; places where they want to be, people they want to be with. It’s all about aspirations and telling their stories of what it is to be disabled at this point in time.”

The bright and bold sculpture is a psychedelic celebration of disability and disabled people in the area and by pointing a camera phone at a QR code, which will be placed near the piece, visitors will be able to look as if they are wearing the sculpture, all through the magic of technology.

On how people might react to the stunning new piece as it pops up across the town Jason thinks of it as a piece of art activism.

“I want people to smile when they first see him, and then I want them to stop and think. He is what I call a ’trojan horse’; in the sense that the viewer simply thinks it is a bit of colourful fun, but then they see those beautiful disabled faces which adorn the surface, and I hope this will make them think about some of the issues relating to the work.

Throughout covid, disabled people were the group which were so greatly affected. 60% of people who died from the pandemic were disabled. Also we are at a very sad time in history when hate crime against disabled people is at an all time high, so I want to create art which reflects this, and challenges attitudes.

I believe just being angry and shouting is not enough. I aim to entertain and make people laugh and smile, in order to make them think. I cannot wait to see him at his new homes in Walsall. I hope the locals take him to heart, as he was built from love.”

You will be able to see the Walsall Water Argonaut by Jason Wilsher-Mills at Walsall Arboretum Park from 10 August – 22 August and Walsall Canal Basin (next to The New Art Gallery Walsall) from 23 August – 2 September.

We’ll have photos of the actual sculpture when it is put in place later this month.